Hello Moonbeamers!
You may recall me sharing a fairly goofy self-interview with you in the past. Today I’m doubling down on the goofy as I continue my ongoing commitment to adding some light to my heartedness. If that means I will forever be represented by the words in today’s newsletter, I will make comedic peace with that. A few years ago I read that humor is commonly used as trauma therapy. While that’s obviously not gonna be a great route for everyone, when it helps me– it REALLY REALLY helps.
One additional note— self interviews such as this are not so different from my meditation practice. That might be hard to believe once you read about my funny boner, but for me, this is a practice in watching my own mind, hanging out in the background witnessing my own personality do its thing. I like my personality a lot. But I don’t think of it as me. I think of it as an outfit my spirit is wearing. A fantastic outfit at times. But still an outfit.
Please enjoy the flare of today’s fashion. And if you end up giving this a shot, I’d love it if you’d share in the comments. I always appreciate being reminded I’m not the only person this weird.
Q: Do you think God really has a long white beard?
A: I just love that you know women can grow beards.
Q: How do you slide into people’s DMs
A: On a toboggan in a snowsuit, I whisper, “You’re a metal pole in zero degree weather.
I bet if I put my tongue on you it will stick forever. “
Q: When’s the worst time to make out?
A: Right after I put my foot in my mouth.
Q: What’s the best party favor?
A: Do me a favor and get me out of here.
Q: What’s your pandemic pick up line?
A: Do you come here coughin’?
Q: If you could choose the time of your own death, when would it be?
A: Probably 11am. I don’t wake up early.
Q: What would you…
A: Wait, did you just hear me equate death to waking up?
Q: Yes…very wise. Oh, are you needing me to applaud your answers?
A: Well, I’ve not toured in two years and I’m used to receiving a lot of positive feedback.
Q: I’ll clap from now on.
A: Thank you.
Q: If you could have an additional body part what would it be?
A: A funny boner.
Q: What would you do with your funny boner?
A: Have a hard time not laughing.
Q: In a game of Marry, F*ck, or Murder, who would you…..
A: Wait a minute, I thought Mary didn’t f*ck or murder anyone.
Q: What’s your favorite memory of me?
A: When you had a panic attack in line for the Little Mermaid Slow Moving Clam Ride at Disney World.
Q: Same!
A: What a coincidence.
Q: Who is the most enlightened person on earth?
A: Anyone who can play the shakers in the band without getting embarrassed.
Q: Why do girls just wanna have fun? ?
A: Because they just wanna. How many times do I have to tell you?
They just wanna. They just just wanna.
Me & My Funny Boner 🖤
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📣 Add to the conversation: Are you enjoying these self-interviews? How do you practice in watching your own mind? What do you do to add some light to your heartedness? Tell us more about your favorite 'person'. Share your thoughts in the comments