I want to type out each of these lines and stuff them in a cookie jar, draw them out one at a time and savor each one forever.

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I love the idea of them all living in a cookie jar!

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Oh wow, I like this cookie jar idea so much - for Andrea’s words, as well as for other words that have inspired me or even just little reminders to myself. And then I can have a “cookie” every morning with my coffee.

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I was thinking a fortune cookie but this sounds so much easier and less of a mess.

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AN AWESOME IDEA! Can I copy this? <3

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What a great idea! Because I’m a bit of a geek, I fed each of these into an Airtable database and have it pick one and email it to me every morning as a gentle reminder of what could be (and what is). This is all just lovely and powerful and compelling, thank you Andrea.

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Your list, amazing list, qualifies for the NEK award. NEK=Note Enough Kleenex!. I plan to copy your list to share at our giving-thanks family gathering with my family next week. I will invite my family to do a round robin reading the list. And although my adult kids will roll their eyes (as a ritual), I know they will grab hold of this list and share it with their community of friends, lovers, activists, educators, and wildly awesome justice seekers. You, dear Andrea deserve to be on the cover of BRIDE-of-Amazement Magazine. It will sell out in an hour!

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Bride of Amazement Magazine!

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These are perhaps one of the 3 most beautiful sentences and messages I read this year. Thank you for sharing the depths of what makes us human through your writing. These stood out!

1. To reckon with my trauma until it is a poem no longer written in blood.

2. To have a heart so warm it could heat the homes of my haters.

3. To know every leaf, every river, every sunrise is a child saying, “Watch me! Watch me! Watch me!”

Much love,


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Thank you, Thales.

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I adore this! The Mary Oliver line is an all-time favorite. I too have taken a vow to amazement that I hope never to break. This gets me thinking about my own bucket list. To be as loving as my dogs would definitely be one such item. To look at the world every day as if meeting it for the first time.

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"- To love my body as if it were my soul’s silhouette."

This is so hard for me, but I continue to practice. Thank you for these loving, lovely reminders. You bless. Bless you!

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I continue to practice too. Thank you Kim!

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Living with stage 4 also gives me a special lens to see the world. Unnecessary tension worry and suffering are OUT and your bucket list is IN my heart. Blessings. Cynthia

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Your words crack me open to a place where no words exist, just awe and love.

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Looks outside and immediately notices "the children" on the trees calling to "the children" on the ground and the swirl of excitement for all who feel seen. Andrea! Andrea! Andrea! Your list b r e a t h e s! So much love to you for putting all of us wild children in the way of so much beauty.

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Writing each word oF that list on my heart as a pledge to Love and Life 🥹🌷 THANK YOU

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Gorgeous. I just subscribed and this is one of the first posts I've read. What a way to start a day!

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Thank you for being here, Crystal.

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This is BEAUTIFUL. Will re-read and share and treasure, thank you 🙏❤

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This.Is.Beautiful. “Don’t forget to put your heart in” has been a mantra for me the past few weeks. Thanks for sharing your writing and soul - it’s the heart strings for me 💕✨💕

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Loving you right back 💖

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Thanks for the heart on top vs mind rearrangement to my day. The way the sun was pouring through the two, spanking orange leafed trees with their black silhouetted trunks as I blew past this morning in my car... shoulda just stopped and hugged them and stared for as long as I could soak it in. You're always my hero.

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Thank you

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Drink in these words of sustenance. 💕 Truly breathtaking 💕

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