I want to say something but I don’t have the words. I’m so moved by you and your words and so honor your incredible beautiful, strong , loving Spirit. Your work changes worlds.. in a good way and I want to thank you. Big love Chris F 🙏💚 ps I’m in Australia (which is no excuse actually) and I didn’t actually know what MAGA stood for until you started sharing your poem. I’m just going to see him as rooting for you and his hat read ‘Make Andrea Great Again ‘ 🤗

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"How we are forever and ever in this together. " Thank you.

Your words alternately give me a punch in the gut and a tickle

and leave me feeling

human!!...We belong to one another and the whole grand scheme

that is this life, this earth, this now.

So happy for you and your beloveds and hearing your wellness news!

Thank you for your care and vision

and giving us a beauteous, raucous and profound Tiny Desk performance!

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thank you!

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I had been trying to find the hat Andrea has worn with the e crossed out making hate say hat. This led me to find the hat I just ordered. Obviously that is besides the point, just on hats. Seriously, though, Andrea is the closest thing I know to a spiritual leader. As always, I'm inspired and have nothing but love for Andrea and the community of people that love them as well.

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thank you Lily. My sister will be so happy you got a hat!

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Tears and recognition. Thanks for the reminder Andrea. Peace.

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thank you.

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Andrea, when I grow up I want to be as articulate, passionate, and genuine as you. I loved the part of the poem where you said you didn't want to wear anything that would identify you as anyone's enemy. It is people like you who make this journey worthwhile sometimes. Much love.

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love to you, as well!

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I never thought I'd be cheering a poem set in a chemo room, but here I am fist pumping and Hell Yeah flying out my mouth.

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Beloved 🙏🏼

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Love you to pieces Andrea, so freaking happy your are on the cancer free path today. You're spirit is unquestionably tenacious. Peace2u's always xo xo

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Amazing!!! Thank you for sharing your poem & the wonderful news! ❤️💕✨

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That is such joyful news, we are all celebrating with you!!!

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thank you so much!

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I’ve watched many tiny desk concerts, and this one was the best of all, by far. You are incredible.

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ha ha, thank you!

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I agree wholeheartedly --the absolute best tiny desk concert; I'm on my 10th listen. Amazing words, Andrea G. This should be shared with the world.

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Thank you for another holy exhale 💓

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What a beautiful way of describing ❤️

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Thank you. Sobbing. Hopeful. Love to you xox

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“NO evidence of disease”!!! Hallelujah!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼💗💗. We are celebrating this AMAZING WONDERFUL piece of news. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We are blessed. 💗💗

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Tears, just tears. Thank you for putting the words together that say what is in my heart, even when I didn't know that's exactly what I meant. You amaze me every time. Thank you. This is the best Tiny Desk performance I've ever seen.

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I’m reading a wonderful/difficult novel about generational trauma, and there you are, quoted on pg 155 by one of the characters: “Our insanity is not that we see people who aren’t there, it’s that we ignore the ones who are.” (In The Many Daughters of Afonso Amoy). ❤️❤️

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