I believe you have enhanced every heart you have touched. You have made hearts stronger, softer, kinder on themselves, and each other. That's how hearts will be if and when you leave this realm. Hearts that know you will rejoice and be glad they were blessed with you. You give more than you realize. The more you learn to love yourself; the more love you give those who follow you.

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This right here is poetry. I hope you write on!

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Thank you Andrea. You have always helped me to try to resist my intense shame response and embrace myself and life. This was another in a line of powerful vulnerably beautiful expressions you have made. I am deeply grateful for you. ❤️

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I love your beautiful spirit. I watched your nearly naked video and just wanted to say how brave and generous I think you are. You make my heart smile.

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Thanks for doing the interview. You could really see the vulnerability there. It was very powerful.

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wow, you just keep blowing my mind. the entire interview was priceless, but when you looked into 👀 the camera at the end, i felt like you were looking into my eyes. what is the word for “profounder than profound”? bravo and a thousand gratitudes. 💕

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There is likely nothing more that I can say so eloquently as anyone before me.

I thank you, for your spirit, for the gift of your words and love that you spread so graciously 🤗

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Wow, sign me up for this! For real. I think there's something about vulnerability and nakedness. But afterwards, did you feel the reverse: like you were putting on armor, security, a barrier with every layer? Hmm. I've been naked loads, including onstage. It was my favorite experience for Hair (the musical) and I don't think I'll shut up about it ever. ;)

You're right, we don't take anything with us, including gender. That's definitely something I'll ponder for awhile. I also agree in the surreal peace aspect. Being so upside-down, like my life is a giant question mark of uncertainty for the last 11 years and couple that with my short-term memory loss meaning I don't really remember what it's like to be healthy. All I know is what's in front of me right now, and I don't have time to do things I don't want to do. Good thing every day is an adventure!

You've given me so much to think about, honestly. I'll probably rewatch this at least 2 more times and take notes bc I'll need to dissect that in therapy haha. I don't think I've honestly felt so understood by someone I've never met. You just GET IT. I don't have to explain the fear of leaving my mom and dad and relatives or my wombmate, my twin bro. I don't want to make him an only child, that terrifies me.

My body has been through a lot, you're right, and really deserves more credit for what I put it through. They say surgery is controlled trauma, that's correct. My eating disorder years were uncontrolled trauma then, I guess. I should get my body some balloons and an I'm Sorry card, and a Thank You card. With a massage!

I will say I've never felt more free than when I was bald and naked. I honestly felt more me. Like, this is who I am in my purest most raw form, 100% unfiltered unprocessed human Mandy. I was begging my team to shave my head, and as much as my mom hates that, I'd go back in a heartbeat.

Thanks for understanding the deepest most unspoken parts of my soul, wow. I'm so uncontrollably glad.

Much love,


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Peace. So in awe of your courage and vulnerability! I related so strongly to the part where you mentioned wanting to heal and that being your ultimate goal before your diagnosis. I want that too. So beautiful! Thank you for being willing to do the interview and for sharing it.

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Such a powerful interview (and article). Thank you for sharing your thoughts and vulnerabilities. ❤️

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First - the Squash Blossom. That speaks of so much love and beauty. I can't believe how cancer could be a growth experience, but there you are. More calm and open than I've ever seen you. Peace.

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Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities. I heavily relate to the grief you spoke on of knowing the pain your loved ones will experience when you leave your body. Telling my dad, and my daughter were the hardest parts of my cancer diagnosis.

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Oh I love that you’ve done this, the Style Like U project is just amazing. Also I can’t put into words how empowering and nourishing it is to see fellow non-binary afab bodies in all our glory, thank you once again Andrea for being your beautiful vulnerable human self!

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I’m so speechless. It’s like the universe is finally letting me in on the secret. When I listen to you, I know what this is all for now. I believe in some sort of god again. Or that we’re all god maybe. Thank you so very much for this. For letting us in. For letting us out.

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This is just so beautiful and inspiring. I am so thankful for you and the way you shift thoughts so effortlessly - always into something lovely.

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Thank you for your continued vulnerability 💜 it inspires me to always take risks with being vulnerable.

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I love and appreciate how you show up in all of your vulnerability and realness. It helps me reach through the walls of my own armouring. Thank you Andrea ❤️

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