Oh and might I add that I am in love with this line: "I’m pretty certain the true path to enlightenment is committing to a life of awkward silences." 👌👌

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"It’s quite difficult to look like a fool when looking like a fool is the look you’re going for." Haha oh man, I love this!!! I will for sure save this quote 😁 I so love the idea of specifically seeking akward situations – it feels like a superpower! Thank you for sharing 🤗 Also, I love how akward situations often make for the funniest real-life stories! I laughed a bunch while reading your post 😁

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Ha, you’re on to something here....there seems to be an energetic flip possible in awkwardness. And the feeling is so much more mutual than it seems. Active embarrassment exposes what is behind the facade on both sides. Many performers know this secret. Own it and it turns into an asset. Wow, I can feel my shame getting restless, it can’t help but giggle.... Thanks you for rattling the cage...

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I’m constantly embarrassed but not in the cute way you described here. I wana feel free like this.

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